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[Restock] Beopseongpo Younggwang Steamed Barley Coral Bis Extra Large 5mi
Barley gulbi is finally here!
I couldn't proceed because I was young, so I threw away all the insides of the head and only the body was packed, so it came well.
Maybe some of you know Jessica Market's steamed barley gulbi, and some of you don't.
I first tasted it 3 years ago, and after that, I only sold it as a gift to my Korean family.
Of course, those who ate here were also very satisfied.
It took a long time, but I'm so happy to show you the taste again!

The length of the original is a whopping 30 -31cm left and right
It weighs 150~180g and can be used for 1~2 minutes.
It is the size to be able to taste
(Size before hair removal)
In just 2 minutes, you can enjoy a high-end Korean restaurant barley gulbi set meal.
You can taste it perfectly.
If you go to a hanjeongsik restaurant, the basic price is 30,000 won per chicken.

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