[New]Jessica Market Premium Seasoned Meat 4 Kinds Bulgogi/Homemade Braised Short Ribs/LA Seasoned Short Ribs/Stir-fried Pork


In some ways, there is nothing easier than seasoned meat.

There's nothing more annoying.

Fast and filling for busy kids' schedules

The preserved seasoned meat is the housewives' favorite.

I think it's an essential food.

In fact, you can find it anywhere

It's seasoned meat, but it's specially made at Jessica Market.

4 kinds of custom-made seasoned meat!!

1. Use of fresh premium meat

2. Limited quantity production, sold immediately after rapid cooling

3. Do not use commercial seasonings.

Made with Jessica Market Recipe

Clean taste without seasoning

1. 800g of bulgogi

2. Homemade braised short ribs 900g

3. LA seasoned ribs 800g

4. Stir-fried pork 800g

4 types, prepared in frozen state.